

Your charity gives hope

The Prophet (saw) said, There is no right for the son of Adam in other than these things: A house which he lives in, a garment which covers his nakedness, and some bread and water. [Tirmidhi]

We are working with our partners on the ground in Northern Syria in safe zones near the Turkish border. Theseapartments are the long term future housing projects forSyrianinternally displaced people. They are spacious and high quality builtapartments that will last for decades, in sha Allah. There are typically around four to fiveapartments on each floor of apartmentblocks. We are prioritising disabled people and widows with children.

These displaced families were forced to flee after their homes were destroyed. Many of them have beenliving in makeshift sheltersfor over a decade, completely exposed to the elements, vulnerable to flooding, landslides and fires.

楚硃釵堯泭apartmentcosts 瞿5,000 to build.They are 45m簡 and include two main rooms, a kitchen and afamily泭莉硃喧堯娶棗棗鳥.泭

Alternatively, you can set up a monthly payment (瞿500 for 10 months, for example) by calling our contact centre on0115 911 7222.