

Your charity gives hope

The best among youarethose who learn the Quran and teach it. (Bukhari)

By sponsoring aHifzstudent you will be earning the reward of teachingsomeonethe Quran,as well as helpinga child in need.

Our programmesupportsdisadvantaged childreninlearningto readandmemorisethe Quran,opening upa whole new world of opportunities for them to further their Islamic studies and share their knowledge asteachers and Imams in adulthood.Your sponsorship will provide achildin Pakistan or Somalia with a safe space in which to learn and qualified teachersto learn from.

Students will begintheir studiesat the age ofnineandtheprogrammewilltypicallytake between three and six yearsto complete, depending on the childs ability.We willkeep you regularly updated on the progress of your sponsored student.

When a persondies, theirgood deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for them. (Bukhari)

Dont miss this fantastic Sadaqah Jariyahopportunity to reap themultiplerewards of an ongoing good deed, spreading beneficial knowledge and nurturing arighteouschild.

Sponsor aHifzstudentnow.