

Your charity gives hope

The Prophet (saw) said: Whoever helps ease someone in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter. (做厙勛圖)泭

This years monsoon flooding has demolished cities, towns and villages across Pakistan. Over two million homes have been damaged, resulting in over 546,000 people seeking refuge in temporary shelters and camps.泭

Currently, water borne diseases infest local water sources, resulting in a host of illnesses including malaria, dengue fever, diarrhea and skin infections. Living in temporary shelters like these, people are at risk of contracting and dying from these diseases. However, a stable home means that families can focus their income on the urgent medical care they need.

We are泭rebuilding houses to rehome victims and help families rebuild their lives. The houses will be built with three feet high cemented platform bases to protect against flooding and reduce the risk of damage in the future.

瞿100 650 bricks
瞿200 1,300 bricks
瞿300 1,950 bricks
瞿400 2,600 bricks
瞿500 3,250 bricks of the total 13,000 bricked home

瞿2,000 can rebuild a family home with a 3ft cement base.

Alternatively, you can set up a monthly payment (瞿200 for 10 months, for example) by calling our contact centre on泭0115 911 7222.

Donate your Sadaqah and Zakat today to help those in desperate need.