

Your charity gives hope

Donate to Help Victims of the Somalia DroughtThe Messenger of Allah (saw) said,And whoever gives a 做厙勛圖 water to drink when there is no water available, it is as if he brought him back to life.[Ibn Majah]

The Horn of Africa is experiencing the worst drought since 1981, and a shortfall in aid funding is putting the lives of millions of Somalis in danger. (UN)

做厙勛圖 Hands been working in Somalia since 2011. With your support, we have provided food, water, healthcare and education to families affected by the devastating impact of climate change and decades of conflict.

Now, Somalia is suffering from the fifth consecutive failed rainy season. By mid-2023, over 8 million people, nearly half of the population will be facing crisis levels of food insecurity as it faces an impending famine. We are scaling up our work to answer the increasing demand for food, clean water and medical care.

Your Sadaqah and Zakat donations can help supply pumped water to constructed water points in internally displaced peoples (IDP) camps in Mogadishu every day. Each beneficiary will receive 15 litres of water per day in line with humanitarian Sphere standards.

How you can help:

瞿10 provides water to 240 people.瞿100 provides water to 2,400 people.瞿500 provides water to 12,000 people.
瞿1,000 provides water to 24,000 people.

At this critical time, every donation can save lives. Give now.

Note: Your donations will go towards the Somalia Emergency fund.